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Top 10 Questions to ask clients with chronic lifting

As you know, most lifting problems are the result of improper technique, particularly at the preparation stage. Product contamination and mixing product lines can also be the cause.


But if you’ve searched your soul and ruled out technician error, it’s time to ask your clients a few questions:



Are you taking insulin or heart medication?

Both substances can cause nails to become weak and bridle.


    Are you taking megadoses of vitamin B?

Ingestion of heavy doses of B vitamins, especially B6 and B12, can disrupt the keratin balance of the nail plate.


    Are you under unusual stress?

Stress can increase blood pressure, disrupting the circulation.

It can also cause dietary changes that can be harmful to the nails.


    Are you on antibiotics?

Four to eight weeks alter beginning a prescription, lifting can occur at the center of the nail plate.


    Are you using recreational drugs?

Cocaine and marijuana used on a semi-regular basis can cause lifting.


    Are you pregnant?

Changes in body chemistry can affect product adhesion.


    Have you recently stopped taking birth control pills?

Stopping birth control pills can cause delamination, chipping and thinning of nails for three to five months.


    Are you dehydrated?

Dieting and changes in the diet can accelerate the loss of bodily fluids, leading to dehydration of the nail bed.


    Do you have nevous habits?

Permanent picking and biting can cause lifting.


    Are you treating your nails with kindness?

Remind clients to wear gloves while working in water, avoid using nails as tools, buff gently and moisturize properly.

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